What do dogs really think about Christmas holidays? Pets Add Life wanted to know the answer and so they “interviewed” a number of pets and got the scoop.
Questions range from “What was your favorite toy you got for Christmas?” and “Do dogs like Christmas carols?” A Border Collie enthusiastically shares his favorite foods to a Boxer who likes the idea of being on the Internet, their answers will make you laugh.
Which “dog thing” answer is your favorite? We like the Santa Boston’s terrier’s response. Dogs really do love unwrapping presents just like their humans.
Do you love to spoil your dog with a cool treat in the summer? If you do, frozen popsicles for dogs – pupsicles – are a great doggie treat in the hot weather. In the following video, BuzzFeed shares four recipes for making pupsicles that every dog is sure to enjoy. Here’s a breakdown of…
The Tingum family was unable to go out as a family with their son, Garret who as autism, because they feared for his safety. Whenever they went out, he would break away and dart into the street. But when they got Ruby, a service dog, their life began to change in very positive ways! Watching…
Snow. Huskies. The two go together so naturally that it’s hard to picture one without the other. So it’s no wonder that when the first big snowfall came to Buster the Husky’s home, he was ecstatic. And it’s equally understandable that he wasn’t as happy to see his granddad scooping it away. No, seeing granddad…
A dog in Stanton, Kentucky saw how his dad played with his daughter with their toy car and decided to play too. The German Shepherd’s family wrote: “My dog watched me push me daughter in the car and I guess he thought it looked like a good time so he’s been running with [it] ever…
Maya the Weimaraner wants to fetch her frisbee from the water, but she doesn’t want to get wet doing it. Watch as the clever dog figures out exactly what to do to retrieve it. Dogs are so smart!
Kobe the Golden Retriever was used to being the sole focus of attention by his dad Jeremy. That was until dad announced he had a girlfriend – Ella. Kobe was hesitant at first and maybe just a little bit jealous. But Ella smartly played with Kobe a lot to let him know he now had…