Toddler Wants To Take Over Dog’s Bed
When this toddler decides her doggy’s bed looks comfortable for a nap, doggy has other ideas! He’s got no intention of letting the little human taking over his bed. Just watch what he does.
Mo manages the doggie passengers expertly with the dogs watching her attentively from their individual seats, especially when they see the treats. The dogs are so well behaved and get on and off politely you’d think they were all her dogs! The dogs who attend Mo Mountain Mutts are always extremely excited and also very…
A trio of adorable Shiba Inu puppies are outdoors and have discovered the garden! There are plenty of things for them to discover and obstacles to overcome (that garden barrier, for example). Watch as they adorably romp through the cabbage patches. But what about the cabbages, you say? Well, you just knew they wouldn’t be…
Friends come in all shapes and sizes… and species! If you need evidence of that, take a look at Suzie the dog and Bo the duck. The two are companions for life and have been together for at least 3 years. Ever since Bo was old enough to roam on his own, he’s never left…
A dog abandoned to die on a road is now safe and loved. When Milan with Dog Shelter Rescue, Serbia, got a call about Albert, they were told he was running back and forth across the road in search of food. He was very skittish and unsure of Milan and barked when he got close….
Petra Justine Corneliussen has seen a lot of chained and neglected dogs over the years but Destino stood out as one of the worst she had ever seen. The dog was chained to a stone hut in a rural town in the mountains. He was emaciated and his ears were bloodied. She suspected Destino was…
There’s just something about dog memes that make me laugh so much more than other memes. Maybe it’s because they mirror what life is like with a dog – they always make me smile. Check out these 20 memes that are sure to brighten your day! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9….
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