Woman Knits Homeless Greyhounds Clothes So They Don’t Get Cold

Woman Knits Homeless Greyhounds Clothes So They Don’t Get Cold

Several years ago, an avid knitter put her talents towards helping homeless dogs who needed a bit of extra warmth to get through the cold winters in Britain. Jan Brown, also known as “Knitty Jan”, has spent countless hours knitting warm clothing for rescue Greyhounds (over 4000 hours and counting). Jan knits wooly caps and…

Abandoned Hunting Dog Won’t Stop Crying, But Days Later She Gives Rescuers Hope

Abandoned Hunting Dog Won’t Stop Crying, But Days Later She Gives Rescuers Hope

Galgos del Sol Animal Rescue comes to the rescue of galgos – Spanish hunting greyhounds – dogs who are abandoned or killed by the thousands each year at the end of hunting season in Spain. The dogs are not seen as potential pets so they end up either in kill shelters or more often dumped…

Salty the Greyhound

Rescued Greyhound with Buck-toothed Smile Chatters Her Way into People’s Hearts

Salty the Greyhound is a dog with a happy if unusual smile that makes an impression on everyone she meets. That’s because she has an adorable overbite with teeth that look a lot like a human’s. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bd064Dhhyxv/?taken-by=thesaltyhound But that’s not the only thing this rescued dog does that makes her special. She also adorably chatters…