Truffle the dog loves snow

Adorable Spaniel Experiences Snow for the First Time and Goes Absolutely Bonkers

When a Cocker Spaniel named Truffle Hunter stepped outside recently, he was surprised to see snow for the first time. But his surprise quickly turned into delight. In fact, he was so happy about the snow that he celebrates by zooming up and down the sidewalk with such exuberance he almost wipes out! His mom,…

huskies in tug-of-war

Huskies Have Hilarious Tug-of-War Over Tiny Piece of Paper

These two huskies are battling over a tiny piece of paper and it’s hilarious. The two siblings, Deisey and Blues, seem locked in a “fierce” tug-of-war, with neither one giving an inch. The two hilariously whine at the other while keeping their mouths tightly shut and holding onto the paper. Maybe they are trying to…

Sweet Boxer Dog Gets Unpleasant Surprise from Adorable Baby

Sweet Boxer Dog Gets Unpleasant Surprise from Adorable Baby

One month old Benjamin was spending some quality time with Liberty the Boxer when the dog got a surprise that is making everyone laugh. As you’ll see, dad is filming the adorable pair on the carpet of their home and the first few minutes of their time together is simply precious. Liberty rolls onto her…

Alaskan Malamute Throws a Temper Tantrum When He Sees What He Is Getting For Dinner

Alaskan Malamute Throws a Temper Tantrum When He Sees What He Is Getting For Dinner

Easton isn’t a fan of pork, so when the Alaskan Malamute is given a bowl for dinner, he does what most malamutes are famous for – he howls. He adorably protests while his human tries to convince him to give it a try. It looks like he’s almost playing a game and at one point…

Scrappy Dogs Busily Roughhousing Only Respond to Magic Word

Scrappy Dogs Busily Roughhousing Only Respond to Magic Word

Jack and Molly are busy roughhousing until they hear the magic word! Despite Dad’s constant request for them to stop and listen to what he’s saying, they continue playing and scrapping. Calling their names seems to completely fall on deaf ears. That is, until Dad says one word that makes them stand up and pay…

dog stuck in onesie helped by husky

Dachshund Gets Stuck in Onesie, Husky Sister Comes to His Rescue

Oscar the wiener dog makes himself comfortable in his human’s onesie, but then can’t get out. That’s when Nora the husky comes to the rescue. Oscar’s owner ZestyMike tells his girlfriend that he turned his back on Oscar for a few minutes to go to the restroom and when he came back, the wiener dog…