Darth Vader Beagle Puppy Steals Food
Did you know that a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away people had a problem with beagles stealing food too and those dogs were able to use the force like Jedi Knights?…No?!?!?…..So now you know 🙂
“They both love each other to pieces and have since day one,” says Andee Smith. Andee is describing the bond between her baby boy, Hogan Keith and his big brother, Bogey the Yorkshire Terrier. “They are best friends and will be for a lifetime!” Their delightful friendship shines through in the heartwarming photos and videos…
A bomb detection dog received a touching letter of farewell after years of service in his community. His handler shared what working with the K9 has been like and why he loved every minute of it. K9 Officer Kojack retired this week. After many years working as a bomb detection dog he will be living…
From the DogHeirs.com archives comes this Rescued dogs are family story from Patrick Finnegan about helping his best friend put a dark past behind him. “After about a year and a half of living in an apartment, I decided to buy a house and once I moved in, I knew it was time to get…
Dogs who are rescued never forget the humans who saved them. We are highlighting heartwarming stories of dogs saved from dire situations and then cherished as invaluable family members. This rescue story is shared by Laura-Lee and highlights the dangers puppy mills pose to dogs and pet parents. “After having frequently seen a new breeder…
Welcoming a newborn baby into the home is always a joyous occasion. And for many couples, because their dog is their first baby, they make sure to provide extra love and reassurance to their pet so that they will bond with their new little brothers or sisters! For John and Morgan Powell they knew their…
When it comes to motivating her family to exercise, this dog has got it down pat. Not only does she encourage the children to join in, but she adds some extra “weight” to the situation – getting dad to push a little bit extra. She’s a natural athletic coach says mom Lindsey Foscaldi Simmons. Simmons…
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