Usually when a dog wears an Elizabethan collar – otherwise known as the cone of shame – it becomes a source of misery for them. Dogs hate wearing these protective cones that stop them from biting or licking wounds to help them heal faster. They knock into walls because they can’t see where they are going. They can’t smell “hello” to their doggie buddies. They can’t lick that itchy spot. But this dog uses the cone of shame to his advantage when surrounded by a pack of dogs.
For this dog, his misery has turned into incredible good fortune, as he discovers the most brilliant use of the cone when he’s with his buddies!
There’s always one member of a family who is more greedy for treats and desserts than the others. The same goes for dogs. Take this clever dog who has figured out how to outsmart his furry siblings to get more treats for himself. He sits in line like the rest of the dogs as dad…
A small dog named “Chips Ahoy” would recoil from touch and cower under the dog bed when she first arrived to her foster parents home. Julie and Brendan right away knew the small dog would need a lot of work to learn to trust humans. Eventually, Chips Ahoy warmed to Brenden enough to let him…
Cloe was living on the busy streets of Indonesia—if you can even call it living. The poor dog was suffering from severe mange, and her hind legs appeared as though they were stuck on backwards. Her future didn’t look bright, but thankfully, Eli from Street Paws noticed her and took her in. Eli quickly realized…
This dog was just minding her business, having a nap when her male friend interrupts her for some naughtiness. Her resulting reaction to the intrusion is hilarious. The funny moment was caught on video and posted to reddit with the caption, “Her first expression is priceless…ignore my laugh.” The video opens with a big dog…
Night after night a female dog stands on the same platform in front of the same carriage at Kanjurmarg Station in India searching for someone in vain. The dog waits for the 11pm train to arrive and then appears to be waiting for someone to disembark. When the person she’s looking for doesn’t come, the…
Willie the Chihuahua is very excited when his dad asks him if he’d like to go outside for a walk. But wait until you see how he reacts seconds later when he is asked if he wants to take a bath. Just to make sure he understands Willie’s answer, dad asks the questions a few…