
Scottish Terrier Puppies Do The Cutest Thing When Drinking Milk

These Scottish Terrier puppies love their goat milk. Even though they are very excited and eager to drink, they do the cutest thing so they can all get a share. Watch as puppies Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Nigel and Annalise wag and wiggle their way into what their human calls a “Scottie Pinwheel” as they drink. It’s so adorable!

The adorable Doberman puppies in another video (view here) do the same thing. It’s a curious behavior but likely an evolutionary one to ensure the survival of the pack. But these pups don’t have to worry about that – they are just excited to get their milk!

After these “Scottie” pups went viral, their family shared some close up photos of the pup so you can enjoy just how cute they are!

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