Shira and The Animal Rescue Mission wanted to help a dog at the shelter named Chloe. Every time they would visit Chloe she would be cowering in the corner or staring at the wall. Shira knew that no dog does well at the shelter, but Chloe was the type of dog who would shut down if she didn’t get out quickly.
Thankfully, Shira found Darvish, who was willing to foster Chloe. After a stressful car ride and waiting an hour for Chloe to leave the car, Chloe’s life was about to change.
In just a short time, Chloe was coming out of her shell. She would put her head on Darvish’s shoulder and wouldn’t want to leave his side. All that lead to Shira hoping that Darvish would become a “foster fail”. But she didn’t have to worry.
A tiny dog’s owner thought she was dead, but when Riverside County Department of Animal Services arrived they found the dog severely matted and infested with maggots. The California animal shelter was initially contacted by the dog’s owner, who called the agency to have them retrieve his “dead” 8-year-old Lhasa Apso. But when officers arrived…
Miles the Great Pyrenees had been living life as a stray for a year when Megan Allen saw a post on Facebook. After learning other dogs were attacking him and temperatures were soaring to 110 degrees (43 C) in the rural area of California, Megan decided this poor pup had been on the streets long…
Knotty the dog was found wandering the streets when she was picked up by animal control and transported to Vet Ranch for care. Her fur was severely matted, which is why her rescuers nicknamed her Knotty. The older pup had a large growth on her chest and a mammary tumour, and Dr. Wendy wasn’t sure…
Is the long winter dragging on your spirits? Not to worry, these nine 12-week-old Bernese Mountain Dog puppies will change that. Monika Gunia shared this adorable video of the puppies playing in the deep snow and having the time of their (young) lives following after her!
Some dogs are just like kids when it comes to meeting Santa Claus—they each have their own unique reactions! Kya the Shiba Inu completely freaked out (in the most adorable way), while Fenway, a resilient pup who overcame illness, was overjoyed when Santa came to his door. Now, we can add Akira, a sweet black…
Sweet Violet arrived at National Mill Dog Rescue badly matted and with bad eyes. Fortunately, for the senior Pekingese she has a loving home waiting for her with Peggy, her new mom. Peggy traveled hundreds of miles to meet this special girl and fortunately has experience with special needs dogs. She saw all of Violet’s…