Every dog parent thinks their dog has a lot of fur, but this video might make you reconsider.
A young man decided to make a time-lapse video of him giving his Samoyed a brush and we’ve never seen anything like it. It took him an hour to finish the grooming, but at least his dog looked relaxed the entire time!
Samoyeds are double-coated dogs, having both a soft, down-like undercoat and a coarser outercoat.
Some people actually use the fur like yarn and knit it into mittens etc. Considering how much hair comes off of this dog we can understand why!
Hallee Fuqua has been asking her parents for a dog for Christmas for years. But every year she received a “no”. So, the Oklahoma college student decided to channel her love of dogs into volunteer work at the Humane Society of Stillwater. Well, this year, Christmas came early when her parents decided she had been…
Boudin the 4-year-old Australian Shepherd doesn’t have to be told to “go swing” but his dad does anyway. The dog, who lives in Chester, Arkansas, loves to swing outside. His dad made it especially for him and according to his dad it’s the first thing he does when he goes outside. “He never seems to…
What a great sight to come home to! This Boxer puppy obviously loves her Daddy. Bella the Boxer puppy clearly loves and misses her Dad when he’s not with the pack. Just watch how she reacts as soon as he comes through the door! She might be the biggest wiggle bum caught on video yet!
A dog on a walk with her mom decided to have some impromptu fun by slipping away from her mom to take a plunge in a nearby fountain. Jose H. was one of the entertained onlookers who recorded the happy dog splashing about in the Praza do Ferro in Ourense, Spain as her mom tries…
When it comes to speed, greyhounds tend to have other dogs beat. But that doesn’t mean they can’t have fun leading other dogs on a game of catch-me-if-you-can. This greyhound visited a dog park and got the party started by zooming around in the snow. Soon he’s joined by another dog, and then another and…
A pack of dogs wanted to get in the kiddie pool to have some fun but it was already claimed by this white dog. The playful dog spins, bounces and splashes in and out of the kiddie pool while his happy friends look on. One husky looks like he’s telling his friend to give him…