The battle for the bed is on in this hilarious video between Naruto the Main Coon and Pepper the Dachshund. The two household chums both equally love to lounge and relax on the bed…but alone.
So when Naruto steps on to the bed and approaches Pepper the adorable battle is on. They tussle and jostle and chase each other around. It’s so adorable that when these two challenge each other, everyone wins!
And it seems their playful antics have been there from the very start. As soon as the pair met they’ve been getting up to their playful antics!
Ryder the Golden Retriever’s mom kept finding her Disney Eeyore Christmas tree ornament in the weirdest places. So much so that she had to ask “Why do I keep finding the Eeyore ornament around the house?” She finds it lying on the couch. She finds it in her dog’s water bowl. Let’s pause on that…
A snow globe of furfetti? A shepherd symphony? Not a problem. Groomer Girl With The Dogs is prepared to give Tikka the long-haired German Shepherd her first ever groom! Girl With The Dogs says that groomers aren’t always fans of grooming German Shepherds as they often have anxiety about being away from their owners and…
Koda had a rough start when she was a puppy. She was thrown out of a car in South Carolina only to get hit by a car. She survived, but she suffered a broken hind leg and another break to her femur. Fortunately, a rescue took care of her and then she was adopted. From…
Rescuers couldn’t figure out why Bee never wanted to stay. She would got to a family but then run away, despite being in a happy home and being an ‘A’ student at SCARS rescue shelter, where she had excelled in her training. She had started her life as a street dog in Greece and would…
Alex Pachecho teamed up with Forgotten Dogs of the 5th Ward in Houston, Texas to feed hungry stray dogs in the area. While out feeding them, he encountered one dog that made a huge impression on him. The little Chihuhua literally crawls into his arms. While rescuing the dog he named “Mr. Cookie”, Alex explains…
Polina Ilina has appeared many times at dog dancing competitions in Europe and Russia throughout the years, winning top prize for her exceptional heelwork to music with her canine partners. In this fabulous video, Polina shows why. She is practicing with two of her Belgian Malinois on a rural street in Moskva, Russia. Polina expertly…