A husky made a new friend when a deer appeared in the neighboring property to his back yard. In the cute video shared by his family, the husky and deer run around and play with each other from across a chain link fence. with the deer.
Sometimes, we simply have to learn at our own pace no matter how long it takes. Buddy the Golden Retriever has been attending the Lucky Puppy Daycare Centre for nearly 10 years. He first came to them when he was just a puppy. Throughout all those years, Buddy has always loved the pool. He’ll splash…
Sailor was just one of the many stray potcake dogs roaming Turks and Caicos Islands. But one day he showed up at Karen Lawson’s house and made himself comfortable on her porch. Like many of the potcakes (ed note: potcake is the name given to the dogs of the Bahamas and the Turks & Caicos…
A thieving dog delighted with his success is warming the hearts of dog lovers in a sweet video captured by a pet store owner. In the cute clip, a black and white dog cautiously enters a pet store where there are some tempting dog treats sitting on a table. The dog gives a quick glance…
Is the long winter dragging on your spirits? Not to worry, these nine 12-week-old Bernese Mountain Dog puppies will change that. Monika Gunia shared this adorable video of the puppies playing in the deep snow and having the time of their (young) lives following after her!
Doggie friends Evvie and Sorin get together every other day. But you would think they go months without seeing one other with the way they greet each another. When Evvie hears that she’s going to visit Sorin she literally shakes with excitement. And Sorin almost knocks Evvie over when greeting her at the door. The…
A dog visiting the vet has decided that if he stands very, very still maybe the vet won’t notice him. The dog’s human, Joshua Snelling, posted a video of his dog’s unusual behavior, which shows his dog completely frozen on an examination table. “This is my dog at the vet, this is what he does……