Skippy the dog absolutely loves Tilly G, a rescue tortoise. Every day Skippy brings his friend his favorite toys and does a little booty dance. It’s his way of telling Tilly G how happy he is to see him.
His mom says that their friendship began the moment Skippy met Tilly G as a puppy and it has blossomed more than she ever could have imagined.
We love the approach this rescue took to help get one of their dogs adopted. The Humane Society of Silicon Valley chose to post an adoption ad about the 2-year-old Chihuahua nicknamed Eddie The Terrible that didn’t mince words. They said Eddie is rude, he’s naughty and he’s really mean around other dogs. He’s also…
Pugs Dutchess, Pooka and Jaxon show off their head tilting skills until they unanimously decide that it’s time to get that cookie dad keeps asking them about! Notice Dutchess (aka wiggle butt), at the bottom right, who just can’t stop wagging her tail. Pooka is the one on the left, and Jaxon is the big…
Keller the English Springer Spaniel was born completely blind. His family adopted him when he was a puppy and wanted him to enjoy playing fetch like their other dogs. They started with using a bell to help him locate the ball, but once the ball stopped moving he still needed commands in order to find…
The mother was shaking and her pups riddled with mange when they were brought to a sterilization drive put on by Sidewalk Specials in South Africa. The dogs’ owner had lost his job and couldn’t afford to feed them. “A little box of misery was pulled out of the queue at Steri Drive 8,” Sidewalk…
Roxanne the dog loves fetching the newspaper for her family and doesn’t mind braving the snow to find it. She loves it so much she eagerly waits for her dad to open the front door and give her the command to run and get it. The moment dad says “go”, Roxanne is bouncing through the…
For some lucky people every day is “take your dog to work” day. In North America alone, around 1.4 million owners take 2.3 million dogs to work! But for those that don’t, there’s an official day – “National Take Your Dog To Work Day” – to help celebrate pets in the workplace. If you haven’t…