Legend just loves his six-year-old best friend Brooklyn, so every time she leaves for school, he whines and cries, but he sure goes crazy when she comes home.
In this sweet clip, Legend isn’t too happy to see Brooklyn head off for a school day and the moment she closes the car door he is visibly sad. But not to worry, Legend, you’ll see her again in a few hours.
There’s something so lovable and goofy about a dog upside down, that you can’t help but smile. That’s what photographer Serena Hodson thought and decided to take a whole series of photos of upside down dogs! The Australian photographer explains how her concept originated saying, “Upside Down Dogs began with a simple idea – to…
This person’s phone alerted them that their doorbell had detected a visitor. When they pulled up the video, they saw an unlikely pair of thieves making off with their Halloween decorations! If you have trouble viewing the video above, try the one below.
A puppy has a second chance at a life after she was found sitting under a bridge by an intersection in a rural area of Greece. With no people around, the poor puppy didn’t have anywhere to go, so she just stayed there hoping help would come. Thankfully a passerby spotted her and contacted DAR…
When Bullit the white Pit Bull hears a “fart” noise he doesn’t like it…or does he? Bullit is minding his own business when his human makes a fart sound. Immediately his ears perk up. What was that sound his human just made? Was it a fart? At first he looks almost upset and sad that…
A tiny dog found under the rubble of the Turkey earthquake has found a loving family to look after him. A man named Umut lives in the Turkish city of Adiyaman. It was heavily hit by the devastating earthquakes that destroyed Umut’s home in February. Umut and his kids were driving through the ruins of…
A Husky who got spooked by fireworks and ended up at the LA River was rescued thanks to Hope For Paws. Eldad Hagar received a phone call about a dog in trouble. The Husky’s paw was hurt and he was hopping through the dense vegetation. Luckily two volunteers helped Eldad in keeping the dog from…