Dog Changes Color from Sleek Black to Stunning White

Over the course of several years a once jet-black dog has gone completely white! Meet Buster. The 4-year-old dog changed color due to a skin condition known as vitiligo which causes depigmentation. Buster’s dad shared the dramatic transformation of his fur in a series of photos on reddit.

“Over time, he would lose his black fur, and new white fur would come in,” Buster’s owner explained. “There was a point in time where he was balding in areas until his fresh, fluffy white fur grew in.

The photos chronicle the changes from November 2021 to April 2024. Scroll through the photo/slides to see the progression of changes in Buster.

My boy Buster (4yo) has completely changed from black to white over the course of the last 2.5 years.
byu/TallyMatty inaww

Normally, vitiligo doesn’t cause any health concerns other than the change of pigmentation. TallyMatty said that his vet told him to “keep an eye out for other skin issues or irritation, but otherwise it’s just the color of their skin pigment.”

TallyMatty shared some other photographs of Buster’s change.

[OC] My dog Buster has the skin condition vitiligo. It causes depigmentation of the skin (and fur). The left photo is from 9 months ago. The right photo was taken today!
byu/TallyMatty inaww

Buster is named after the character in the TV show Scrubs. TallyMatty confirmed it on reddit by writing, “Yep, it’s my favorite show! I had the name picked out before I adopted him. And his name really fits his personality.”

And here’s Buster with his buddy Rowdy.

Buster looks stunning with his new white coat. What a remarkable transformation!

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