18 Cute Reasons Why You Want to Bring Your Dog to Work
For some lucky people every day is “take your dog to work” day. In North America alone, around 1.4 million owners take 2.3 million dogs to work!
But for those that don’t, there’s an official day – “National Take Your Dog To Work Day” – to help celebrate pets in the workplace. If you haven’t thought about it before, these photos may just change your mind.
1. They’re really helpful around the office.
2. They have great behind-the-counter skills.
3. They can manage your emails.
4. They can help keep your clients happy.
5. They work well in a team.
6. They also help keep the team happy.
7. They make sure to remind you about your paperwork.
8. They keep an eye on your work.
9. They make sure no one takes your chair.
10. They can work on their own.
11. They know how to make do with what’s in the office.
12. They’re adorable when they’re slacking off.
13. They do the rounds and make sure everyone’s hard at work.
14. They dress appropriately for the workplace.
15. They check how your day is going.
16. They remind you to take breaks.
17. They are always happy and make you smile.
18. They’re good at reminding you when it’s the end of the work day!