Bicyclists Stop When They Hear Barking Coming from Garbage Pile on Roadside

Timo and Lara were cycling around the world with no destination or timeframe in mind so getting a dog was the furthest thought from their mind. But while they were crossing Armenia they heard barking coming from the roadside. They went and looked and hiding in some garbage was a little puppy!

The couple searched the area for the pup’s mother and siblings but all they found was a small cardboard box with the corner chewed out. They realized the poor 2-month-old puppy had been clearly dumped so they decided to take him with them.

They named the pup Oscar and he doesn’t seem to mind traveling by bike at all! Oscar has already grown bigger in the short time they’ve had him. In fact, Oscar has grown so big (at 6 months old) that Lara shared on Instagram he is now is the “proud owner of his own vehicle (aka trailer).”

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