It’s Charlie to the rescue when mom needs help changing baby’s diaper.
This sweet baby will always have her dog looking after her and no doubt be one of her best friends! Not only does he help, but gives a high five to bring a smile.
Dogs who are rescued never forget the humans who saved them. We are highlighting heartwarming stories of dogs saved from dire situations and then cherished as invaluable family members. One such story is the rescue of Valentino. The street dog was all alone at a train station and in more dire need than his guardian…
While out for a Sunday bike ride in Greece, Vicky, a member of the DogHeirs community, and some friends found an abandoned puppy. They tended to the distressed pup and one of the cyclists decided to adopt the pup. Vicky told DogHeirs, “Lucky day for an abandoned puppy found on our Sunday bike ride in…
A tiny puppy named Leela was found badly hurt and alone in an alley. Thankfully, the Great Pyrenees/Collie/English Foxhound mix was rescued and given a loving home, and most importantly, love. One of her rescuers, Lindsey Hanna, shared Leela’s story with DogHeirs: “This right here is my best friend at her worst hour. We found…
Persia the Pit Bull recently visited a dog park with her guardian, ladygrefenberg. But while there, they had a scary encounter with a small dog they had not seen before. ladygrefenberg recounts her story and why she was very grateful for the loving community at the dog park, who came to their aid: “Let me…