Any dog parent will have at least one story of their dog stealing food. But not every dog is like MeMe. The Australian Shepherd manages to thwart even the most clever containers to get at her kibble. Gil Jacobs said he got a special food container – supposedly advertised as dog-proof – but it looks like no one told MeMe that!
Jacobs was so impressed by his dog’s smarts he had to film her breaking into the food container to grab herself a snack.
Has your dog ever stolen food when you least expected it?
“They both love each other to pieces and have since day one,” says Andee Smith. Andee is describing the bond between her baby boy, Hogan Keith and his big brother, Bogey the Yorkshire Terrier. “They are best friends and will be for a lifetime!” Their delightful friendship shines through in the heartwarming photos and videos…
This dog has figured out the unspoken rule that “no rules apply” when having fun in the snow. In this case, sledding with family. Then again, maybe he just decided to turn the tables on the whole notion of dog sledding!
Do you have a stubborn relative that hates getting their photo taken? Well, Harvey the Pit Bull is like that. Harvey gives his mom the “cold shoulder” when she wants to take his picture. But he’s having none of it despite her repeated attempts to convince him.
Los Angeles Dodgers baseball pitcher Shohei Ohtani and his dog Decoy gave the crowd the cutest first pitch you’ve ever seen. At a recent game, Decoy became the star of the game when he threw out the first pitch of the game. The announcers said that the 1-year-old Dutch Kooikerhondje is the first dog ever…
Craig Alaburda and his wife Morgan Rosenberg were puzzled as to how their Alaskan Klee Kai, Akira, kept on managing to get through their tall baby gate and escaping from the kitchen. After her doing this for several days in a row they decided to set up a hidden camera. That’s when they discovered that…
Many dog owners have had the experience of digging into their dog’s mouth to remove that smelly, unknown object the dog refuses to drop and just has to eat. It’s not pleasant and it always leads to the worry that he/she has eaten something that might make them sick. Teaching your dogs to drop objects…