Mya is a dog with an unusual new habit. The Great Pyrenees likes to smuggle turtles into her home. Her mom, Rachel Laposka, recently filmed Mya bringing one of her new “friends” home and her attempts to get Mya to let the turtle go. The 19-year-old student from Sharpsburg, Georgia, can be heard coaxing Mya…
Skippy would love to play with his favorite toys. Too bad they are locked away in the toy closet and out of reach. Or so you might think. Thanks to the help of his feline friend Peaches he just may get that play time in after all! Peaches’s human lets everyone know there’s a reason…
An Australian Cattle Dog has an unusual activity that keeps her dying grandfather very amused. Sissy is busy working every day by her dad’s side on their horse farm in Stokesdale, North Carolina. But she also gets time off to have some fun and what she really loves to do is dig ditches! Her dad…
Abby the dog loves her stuffed animals, but when she notices a tear in her favorite bunny rabbit, she throws it at her human in a desperate plea to have it repaired. Watch as she waits oh-so-patiently for her friend to be fixed! If you have trouble viewing the video above try the version below….
A 2-year-old white German Shepherd knows what he wants and how to get it. Buddy lives in Whitewater, Wisconsin and when it’s hot outside he tells his mom exactly what he wants. His mom writes on YouTube: “In the summer, when it’s hot, he gets to play in the sprinkler twice a day to cool…
Nelson the sheepdog usually tends the flock diligently. The “part” Norfolk terrier is a good working dog. But on this particular day, he decides to “cut loose” and have some fun instead! His human dad, James Bell, filmed the moment Nelson ignores his calls and races around the field instead. The dog runs in circles…