Usually when a dog wears an Elizabethan collar – otherwise known as the cone of shame – it becomes a source of misery for them. Dogs hate wearing these protective cones that stop them from biting or licking wounds to help them heal faster. They knock into walls because they can’t see where they are going. They can’t smell “hello” to their doggie buddies. They can’t lick that itchy spot. But this dog uses the cone of shame to his advantage when surrounded by a pack of dogs.
For this dog, his misery has turned into incredible good fortune, as he discovers the most brilliant use of the cone when he’s with his buddies!
A homeless Belgian Malinois thought to be aggressive has found a happy home thanks to a dog trainer who refused to give up on her. Shelter staff couldn’t approach a Belgian Malinois in their care. Every time they tried, the homeless dog would bark aggressively at them. They wanted to give the young dog named…
It was summer when a large stray dog wandered out from the woods around Joe and Marla’s property. The dog looked gaunt and hungry so the couple tried to help him but he was too scared. This was the beginning of a year long journey to try and rescue “Scooby.” The couple would leave out…
Nine months is a long time for anyone to be away from their family, so just imagine you are a dog, when any time away from family seems like an eternity. That’s why Freyja the German Shepherd is overcome with joy when her solider dad returns from deployment after nine months. The moment she spots…
Dogs aren’t often engaged in watching television. Sometimes dogs are scared of the things they see on TV; sometimes they want to protect their family from what they see on TV. But every so often they surprise their family. These two dogs are watching a cartoon show when their dad decides to turn it off….
Spike, the Umbrella Cockatoo, loves spoiling his canine friends. When he’s in the kitchen with his two Great Dane pals, he perches on the counter near a box of Milk-Bone treats and decides they need a snack. Spike eagerly digs into the box, pulling out the treats and flinging them onto the floor for his…
This Doberman’s dad decided to test how his dog would react in an emergency by staging a little experiment. He wanted to see if his dog would come to his rescue if he was in danger so he staged a “break in.” The results? Unexpected and absolutely hilarious! Watch the dog’s reaction below: Köpeğinin acil…