Great Dane Whines At Fridge Demanding It Give Him Ice Cubes

Poor Perry the Great Dane. He wants some ice cubes but the refrigerator’s ice machine is not cooperating with him. That’s when he decides to ask it nicely.

His mom writes, “Perry enjoys his ice more than anything else! Throughout the day, he will go to the refrigerator and start ‘talking’ to it , or throw a tantrum, to dispense ice to him. He will even bite at the handle and change the refrigerator settings by rubbing his nose against the fridge, hoping by just touching it, the ice will automatically drop out for him.”

Take a look at Perry’s attempt in the cute video below. If you have trouble watching the video, try the different format included below it.

Silly fridge. They really should invent a smart fridge that understands dog language so humans don’t have to get involved. Or, perhaps Perry can learn what these Golden Retrievers know what to do or what this husky puppy figured out at 5 months old?

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