One night, when Polly the Greyhound’s family went to bed, the clever dog decided to rearrange some furniture to make herself more comfortable.
Her parents, Yvonne and David Gallop, heard noises coming from downstairs one night after putting her to bed in the lounge.
Curious as to what had happened, the couple checked their CCTV camera in the morning. That’s when they realized 7-year-old Polly had decided one dog bed wasn’t enough so she moved another over to make a supersized bed!
We love seeing dogs perform amazing tricks and this one is definitely one of the funniest we’ve ever seen! This trick is called the “running bang” and Gracie the Dachshund does a pretty amazing. Watch as she puts on a performance and earns herself some well-deserved treats!
It’s not a scene one usually sees at a dog park. Dogs quietly standing apart from one another, each minding their own business and avoiding eye contact. There wasn’t the normal rambunctious playing or barking or butt sniffing you’d expect with a pack of dogs. But there’s a reason for that. This was a meet…
A street dog in Turkey has gotten worldwide attention for using an automatic car wash to get a shoulder rub and clean. According to Turkish media the dog, named Linda, is a regular at the gas station in Izmir. Footage of Linda’s peculiar past-time has been shared on reddit and Twitter and gone viral. In…
“Who wants a free white boxer?” Roxy Dinkel jokingly asks after posting a video of her dog Winston on YouTube. That’s because she returned home to find the interior of her home drenched in water. The floors of her kitchen and living room were soaked through but with no leaking pipes, she couldn’t determine the…
A dog owner and his dog got a helping hand from a Good Samaritan after they both ended up in an icy river in Russia. Bun the puppy and her owner were walking by the Fontanka River in Saint Petersburg when Bun accidentally fell over the bridge and into the cold waters below. The man…
A brave and lovable military dog was honored before being euthanized due to aggressive cancer of the bladder and pancreas. Febe served in Iraq for 10 years and worked with Tech Sgt. Tommy Hollis, who took him home when he retired. His family bid him a tearful farewell, and the dog was honored with a…