This wonderful dog parent installed a slide in his backyard for his dogs and they love to take turns using it. How do they get back up to the top? Why a special elevator built just for them of course!
We think the dogs at the bottom waiting their turn have just as much fun watching their buddies sliding down.
It’s certainly going to keep the pack entertained for hours!
When Bunny returned home from a walk at the beach, he was eager to keep going. But after his mom explains they’re done with the morning walk, he suprises her by telling her he loves her.
For months, Donna with Stray Rescue of St. Louis had been searching for Tashi, a dog with a terrible injury. “Donna has been tracking this poor girl with a prolapsed rectum,” wrote Stray Rescue of St. Louis. “She finally found her today when a man walking by said ‘yea, I know the dog you’re talking…
An abandoned puppy found by a dumpster has gone from being thought of as a piece of trash to being a treasured family member. Joey was only 11 weeks old when a worker spotted him all alone in the rain by a dumpster in Colorado Springs and brought him to Humane Society of the Pikes…
Kanzie the Springer Spaniel is all about the cuddles. Watch this short but sweet video of the dog refusing to give up her cuddle time whenever her human tries to move her away.
Daisy the white Swiss Shepherd puppy shows why she is the “best big sister” to her little human when the two are playing ball together. The little baby is big enough to throw the ball, but couldn’t get it so Daisy got it for her. And when she brings it back she does the cutest…