As a pet parent you never know when something might catch your dog’s attention. A squirrel? A loud bang? Or maybe another dog? But as this young girl demonstrates it’s always a good idea to hang on to that leash no matter what!
Says the dog’s mom, “My dog saw the neighbor’s dog and wanted to say hello, while my young daughter did such a good job but never letting go of his leash!”
An embarrassed pet parent is trying to make reparations for his dog’s naughtiness after discovering the dog has been sneaking into his neighbors’ homes and pooping on their bedroom pillows. The Bichon Frise-Shih Tzu cross named Jack has used people’s cat doors to break into their homes and defecate on their pillows. Apparently he’ll not…
A small puppy abandoned in a cemetery and alone and helpless is on the mend thanks to rescuers. DAR Rescue in Greece received word of the abandoned, sick puppy. Within minutes of searching in the cemetery they found her. They named her Ann. “Her condition was very bad when we found her, she was suffering…
When it comes to “herding” ducks, these three Border Collies are experts in their field. While on their farm in Livingston Tennessee, Roy, Lass and Celt showed off their skills with a fun training exercise leading some ducks through a unique obstacle course. Chad, the farmer, simply whistles to direct the working dogs to lead…
Abbey Doo the Great Dane is one happy dog. She’ll let you know just how happy she is by wagging her tail on cue. Watch what she does when her mom sings ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’!
When Stray Rescue of St. Louis spotted a dog with an injured foot they set about to rescue her. But when they noticed she had milk, Donna and her team of rescuers headed straight into the underbrush where she was living to find her puppies. Scrambling through the branches Donna crawled through the bushes until…
It’s easy to see why Elisabet Browaldh and her dog Kummin finished 2nd in the Freestyle Heelwork To Music competition at Crufts 2020 when you watch their adorable routine. Performing to music from Grease (the movie version), Kummin Av Ulfsater, a Dutch Schapendoes, danced their hearts out in the main arena. There are a few…