Little Hugo was trying to survive life on the streets when he attacked by other dogs and badly injured. Seriously wounded, his future looked grim. But Hope For Paws was alerted to his plight and went to the factory where he was hanging out to save him.
Thanks to Lisa Arturo, Hugo was caught and taken in for medical attention. Unfortunately, Hugo’s wounds were deep and infected so he needed surgery and his wounds needed to be drained. But he’s a tough little guy and pulled through.
Now Hugo is happy and thriving in his foster home, but he’s looking for a forever home where he can continue to feel safe and loved!
Kai the black Labrador Retriever has a funny game she plays with her doggie friends that she invented all on her own. It’s a game that keeps them guessing and Kai very entertained. Her technique is pretty unique and one we’ve never seen. First, she takes the ball to the edge of the diving board….
A puppy named Opal is so excited when she smells her dad coming home for work in this touching video. Opal was born deaf and blind as result of bad breeding (she is a double Merle). While playing in the garden with mom she suddenly smells something in the air – she recognizes that her…
Two stray dogs that were found tied to a fence and starving have found their forever homes together. Experiencing shared struggles often creates a strong bond between friends. That was the case with two neglected stray dogs found tied to a fence post in Southeast Portland, Oregon. The two dogs were originally named Phillip and…
A stray dog born with a facial deformity has found a forever home after starting his life at a construction site in Doha, Qatar. Alan is a boxer-saluki mix and has a condition called “wry mouth” which caused his upper jaw to slide to one side. The condition is due to an overly narrow mandible…
A poor Pit Bull named Momma Bear was so afraid of humans that she would crawl into the corner of her kennel and cower. She was unable to trust anyone. Gary from Paws R Made 4 Walkin visited her in the shelter and began to slowly earn her trust. Over a few days he made…
One month old Benjamin was spending some quality time with Liberty the Boxer when the dog got a surprise that is making everyone laugh. As you’ll see, dad is filming the adorable pair on the carpet of their home and the first few minutes of their time together is simply precious. Liberty rolls onto her…